You've been defaulted into being the primary parent in your family because your spouse's career requires extended travel, multi-day shift work, or a demanding job with late night hours leaving you to tend to the kids and the home while they're away. You're ready to find ways better ways to connect & communicate with your spouse.
You're the primary parent of a parenting team, yet running the ship - captain, first mate, and crew all at once! You're regularly doing all of the cooking, cleaning, taxi-ing your kids to school and activities, and fixing whatever is broken this week, and it seems to be the norm in your home. The single moms say you're lucky to be married and have financial support, yet somehow you don't feel like the lucky one. You have similar struggles of military family, but perhaps lack the military camaraderie.
You feel like your'e ping-ponging from one thing to the next, crashing into bed each night wondering what you actually accomplished in the day. You're drowning, and no one is coming to save you. It's time to move out of survival mode and thrive within your unique family dynamic - it can be better!
You deserve support...I'm here for you!
Lean into knowing that you are important and can be supported emotionally, too
Create routines, weekly rhythms, and boundaries that actually work for your family and easily pivot when things change
Stop resenting your partner for their work schedule and start connecting & communicating with them instead
Build a support system that works for you
Implement parenting strategies tailored to your family
Find your joy and create a life you love
In this free 45 minute call, you'll have the opportunity to talk with me about your family dynamic and together we will identify the areas you want to improve and the obstacles that may be standing in your way. You'll learn about the Resiliency Framework I use and decide if coaching is a good fit for you.
Kayla Lyons Coaching, LLC | the Sometimes Solo Mama podcast
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